Hi there, firstly may I thank you
for showing an interest in my web pages. My name is Mark Whiting
and as far back as I can remember I've always had an
interest in electronics, even at the early age of four when I
slid a coin behind a mains plug and nearly had an early end.===> After leaving school I went on to college
and then university, graduating in 1986. My first
workplace was Cox Electronics (later Abacus Cox Electronics),
not sure if they're still going now? They
supplied some of the mixer desks, video effects gear, etc to the
Channel 4 TV station when it opened. Then came a supervisory
role in an alarm manufacturing company followed by a test/repair
position in a company which repaired monitors,
printers and the like. Finally I ended up at
Page Engineering (an Aerospace Industry) which was fun at
first working on the AWACS program, Apache helicopter parts, Tornado central
warning units, etc.